HIGHLIGHT: Project MARCH – Exoskeleton Symposium

Project MARCH, a student-led initiative from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, organised a symposium on World Exoskeleton Day to explore the future of medical exoskeletons. The symposium aimed to raise awareness about the potentials of medical exoskeletons.

The event began with a keynote speech by Marilène Dortland, Team Manager of Project MARCH. She explained how Project MARCH was founded and what the previous teams already achieved.  She then continued elaborating on the current team goal of Project MARCH; Making a self-balancing exoskeleton.

The event also included a DIY session. Here, visitors were divided in 2 teams and asked to build one leg of an exoskeleton with K’NEX. These exoskeletons were required to have 3 joints. At the end of the session the visitors had to connect both legs to see whether it would align.

Overall, the symposium was a great success, generating lively discussions and promoting awareness about the potential of medical exoskeletons. Project MARCH plans to continue organising similar events in the future to keep the conversation going and to foster collaboration between different stakeholders in the field.

Organized by Project MARCH